Privacy Policy of NexGenius

Privacy Policy of NexGenius

Your privacy and data security are of utmost importance to us at NexGenius. We are committed to responsibly managing, protecting, and using your personal information.

This Privacy Policy (the "Policy") aims to explain the information we collect and how we use and safeguard your information when you use any mobile applications developed by NexGenius and available for download in the Google Play Store.

1. Information We Collect

i. Device Information

We may collect your device and network connection information to enhance your app experience. The information we collect depends on your interactions with us, the choices you make (including privacy settings), and the products and features you use. This may include:

- SDK/API/JS code version, IP address, platform, timestamp, application identifier, application version, application distribution channel, independent device identifier, terminal manufacturer, terminal device operating system version, language location, time zone, network state (Wi-Fi, etc.), CPU usage, battery usage, screen resolution, memory usage, storage usage, SIM operator, SIM card country, application release status in Google Play, ad loading strategy, ad platform, advertising placement ID, anonymous web browsing behavior, hidden app (Anonymous), download error information (URL and error log).

We store this information collected through the Android ID tied to your device to retain your advertising behavior while using the app. We treat this information as personal information.

ii. Data about Your Use of the Services

We collect data about your use of the Services, which may include the number of clicks, landing pages, pages viewed, order of page views, time spent on particular pages, date and time of your requests, number of app opens, viewed pages, permissions status, number of installed apps, package names, users' installed apps information, first open time timestamp, mobile brand, network status, Firebase device ID, mobile model, SIM country, system language, and advertisers may store or read cookies.

We collect URLs of users' failed downloads, whether the app is in use or not, to analyze download failures. We also collect the app package name currently in use by the user when an in-app file is deleted by other software, to analyze how to better protect the user's files.

This data is only shared with certified third-party statistical platforms: Firebase, Facebook Analytics, and our self-built data statistics system (ECS). The information is solely used to improve the product experience and will not be sold to third parties or used for purposes other than improving the product experience and ad performance.

iii. Monetization and Analytical Information from Other Sources

Third-party SDKs integrated into our app may access your information, including Google Advertising ID, demographic data, data to fight fraud, data associated with your device, data for advertising, marketing, and analysis. Advertisers may also store or read cookies. The information collected by these third-party SDKs is governed by their respective privacy policies, and we have no control over them. These third parties include monetization partners (e.g., Google AdMob, Facebook Audience Network, MoPub, etc.) and analytical tools partners (e.g., Firebase, Facebook Analytics, ECS).

iv. Android Advertising ID

We use your Android advertising identifier to provide you with a customized advertising experience. The advertising identifier does not contain any user-sensitive information that can identify you or your device. It is not connected to personally identifiable information or associated with any persistent device identifier (e.g., SSAID, MAC address, IMEI, etc.).

v. Other Information

We may collect information directly and voluntarily provided by you, such as your email address, feedback content, location (for analyzing location accuracy), and questionnaire responses. When you request a temporary password by emailing us due to a forgotten password, we collect your device ID, send

 time, and a random code, which are only used to generate a unique and temporary password.

vi. Designated Countries

For all the information listed above, as per the EU General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR") or any equivalent legislation (collectively "Data Protection Laws"), we process personal information of users located in the European Economic Area ("EEA"), United Kingdom, and Switzerland (collectively referred to as "Designated Countries") based on our contract with you.

vii. Account Information

When you create an account, we may collect personal information such as your username, first and last name, email address, mobile phone number, and optionally, a photo associated with your account.

2. How We Use the Information

i. To Improve and Optimize the Services

To provide you with better services, we have a legitimate interest in collecting and processing necessary data to:

- Update and develop the Services

- Enhance your user experience

- Manage the relationship with you

- Customize your service experience

- Respond to your comments and questions and provide support

- Provide offers in the Services and other websites/services

- Send related information (e.g., updates, security alerts, support messages)

ii. To Provide the Services

To provide the Services, we process data necessary to:

- Allow you to use the Apps and the Services

- Operate the Services

- Provide and deliver requested products and services

iii. To Carry Out Activities Related to Advertisements and Marketing

To send you personalized advertising and marketing materials, we may use information collected from you, such as ad identifiers, age, country, region, gender, language, games played, and information related to your interaction with the Services and other users.

We may use third-party advertising and marketing partners to assist us, and we may share information collected from you with these partners. By accepting this Privacy Policy and continuing to use the Services, you consent to us and our advertising and marketing partners collecting and using information about you to personalize advertising and marketing materials and improve your experience. Please review the privacy policies of our third-party partners for a better understanding of how they collect, use, and share your information. We are not responsible for the privacy policies of any third parties.

iv. To Secure the Services

Ensuring the security of the Services is a top priority for us. We take appropriate security and technical measures to protect your information from unauthorized access, loss, and misuse. We request our suppliers who process personal information on our behalf to also take appropriate security measures.

To keep the Services safe, prevent fraud, and ensure acceptable use, we have a legitimate interest in processing necessary data to:

- Analyze and monitor use of the Services

- Prevent cheating, crime, or fraud

- Take action against fraudulent or misbehaving users

While we make efforts to protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee absolute security. Please exercise caution when disclosing information through the Services, as any personally identifiable information or sensitive data shared may be collected and used by others. Be mindful of the information you share online. Additionally, any questions, answers, comments, or submissions you post in the forum will be publicly available.

v. Designated Countries

For all the purposes listed above, as per the EU General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR") or any equivalent legislation (collectively "Data Protection Laws"), we process personal information of users located in the European Economic Area ("EEA"), United Kingdom, and Switzerland (collectively referred to as "Designated Countries") based on our contract with you.

3. Information We Share

As mentioned earlier, your personal information may be shared with our third-party partners. We may disclose your personal information to our business partners, including advertisers, publishers, and data tracking companies. These business partners may use your personal information to show you

 advertisements, measure your ad/site interaction, and better understand site and app traffic usage or user behavior to improve their services. The use of information by these partners will be governed by their privacy policies.

4. Important Permissions We Request

Depending on your interactions with us, we may ask for certain permissions to ensure proper functioning of our app. While you have the choice to opt-out, not granting these permissions may result in app malfunctioning. The permissions we may ask for include:

- Phone: read phone status and identity

- Photos/Media/Files: read and modify the contents of your USB storage

- Storage: read and modify the contents of your USB storage

- Wi-Fi connection information: view Wi-Fi connections

- Device ID & call information: read phone status and identity

- Other permissions may be requested as needed.

5. Legal Basis of Your Personal Data

We process personal data for the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy. The legal basis for processing personal data includes:

- Processing necessary for the performance of the contract with you (e.g., providing requested services, user identification)

- Processing necessary to comply with legal requirements (e.g., accounting rules, mandatory disclosures to law enforcement)

- Processing necessary for our legitimate interests (e.g., managing the user relationship, ensuring service security, communicating about products and services)

- Processing based on consent by our customers (e.g., placing certain cookies, sharing information with third parties for advertising purposes)

In some cases, providing us with personal data may be required for us to provide all services and app features.

6. Your Rights

If you are a user residing in the European Economic Area, United Kingdom, or Switzerland, you have certain rights regarding your personal data when using our Services. Please contact us at to exercise your rights under applicable law. To process your individual rights request, be prepared to verify your identity. Please note that limitations apply to individual rights, including:

- Denial of access required or authorized by law

- Adverse impact on others' privacy by granting access

- Protection of our rights and properties

- Frivolous or burdensome requests

i. Right to Withdraw Consent

If we rely on your consent to process personal information, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. Withdrawing consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing prior to withdrawal.

ii. Right of Access and Rectification

You have the right to request a copy of your personal information held by us and to have any inaccurate information corrected or updated, except where you can already do so directly through the Services.

iii. Right to Erasure (Right to be Forgotten)

You may request the erasure of your personal information held by us if it is no longer necessary for the purposes it was collected, if you withdrew your consent, or if you object to the processing and there are no overriding legitimate grounds.

iv. Right to Restriction

You have the right to request restriction of processing your personal information in certain cases, such as when you contest the accuracy of the data, the processing is unlawful, or you no longer need the data but require it for legal claims.

v. Right to Object to Processing

You may object to our processing of your personal information, except when we have compelling legitimate grounds or need it for legal claims or other exceptions under applicable law.

vi. Right to Data Portability

If we process your personal information based on a contract with you or your consent, or if the processing is automated, you may request to receive your personal information in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format. You may also request the direct transfer of your personal information to another controller, where technically feasible.

vii. Notification to Third Parties

If we share your personal information with third parties, we will notify them of any

 requests for rectification, erasure, or restriction of your data, unless impossible or involving disproportionate effort. We will also identify such third parties upon your request.

viii. Automated Individual Decision-making, including Profiling

You have the right not to be subject to decisions based solely on automated processing, including profiling, if it significantly affects you, unless exceptions apply under applicable law.

ix. Right to Lodge a Complaint

If you believe we have infringed your privacy rights, please contact us at to resolve your concerns. You also have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority in your country of residence or where the alleged infringement occurred.

7. Third-party Partners' Privacy Policy

The Privacy Policy of our third-party partners governs the information collected by them. Please review their policies to understand how they collect, use, and share your information. We are not responsible for the privacy policies of these third parties. Here are links to some of our third-party partners' privacy policies:

- Google AdMob & Firebase:

- Facebook Audience Network & Facebook Analytics:

- MoPub:

- Smaato:

- PubNative

- ironSource

- ChartBoost

- Pixalate

- Inmobi

- Pangle

- Pubmatic

- Unity

- Taboola 

- How Google uses information from sites or apps that use Google’s services

8. Children's Privacy

Our Services are not intended for children under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under 13. If we discover that a child under 13 has provided us with personal information, we will promptly delete it from our servers. If you are a parent or guardian and are aware that your child has provided us with personal information, please contact us to take necessary action.

9. Changes to the Policy

The information collected is subject to the Policy in effect at the time of collection. We may provide additional notice of modifications or updates as appropriate. By continuing to use our app or services after changes to the Policy, you signify your acceptance of those changes.

10. Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about the Policy, please contact us at

For California residents, we provide a separate Privacy Policy for California residents, which addresses how we respect their privacy.


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